You CAN make a difference on November 3rd!
You can make a difference! Register for the ride today! (Or do the Poker Walk or the End Party with lunch, raffles, auction, live music and more!) From the Host We would like to thank you again for your participation and help in raising awareness and funds to support those living with Parkinson’s Disease . Many people ask me why I get involved and do fundraising every year. As some of of you may know, depression and lack of socialization is very common in those diagnosed with this degenerative disease. I have seen the excitement and purpose in the members (and their families) of Banner Neuro Wellness in being a part of this event. Many of them have told me over the years how excited they get for this event by volunteering, making a raffle basket and bringing their family to show what they are a part of. Please know that you are having a very positive impact on their lives. The members this year have already put together 40 awesome r